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by Koustuv Sinha

通过Koustuv Sinha

用JavaScript唤醒沉睡的城市 (Waking up a sleeping city with JavaScript)

Not once, but twice, our college became a part of an International community of highly productive and engaging people. The most recent installment took place on last Saturday, May 21st, 2016. From Lisbon to Lahore, from Belgrade to Bengaluru, from Berlin to Bainbridge, we all came together on a single day to celebrate a Global event, a fun event of teaching, learning & hacking together the concepts of JavaScript / NodeJS. Divided by borders, united by JavaScript! Yes, I’m talking about !

我们的大学不是一次,而是两次,它是一个由生产力高和参与度高的人们组成的国际社区的一部分。 最近一期是在2016年5月21日的最后一个星期六举行。从里斯本到拉合尔,从贝尔格莱德到班加罗尔,从柏林到班布里奇,我们全天在一起庆祝全球性活动,这是一次有趣的教学活动,一起学习和破解JavaScript / NodeJS的概念。 用边框分隔,用JavaScript组合! 是的,我说的是 !

NodeSchool的简要历史 (A brief history of NodeSchool)

On a fine day, a few people from a little upcoming community of daring open source hackers decided to challenge the world with the powers of a language that others dismissed as “too slow”, “a toy language”, and “web only”. They came together to build what would be a simple “” module, called .

在晴朗的日子里,来自即将到来的大胆开放源代码黑客社区的一些人决定使用一种被其他人视为“太慢”,“玩具语言”和“仅网络”的语言的力量来挑战世界。 他们聚在一起建立了一个简单的“ ”模块,称为 。

What’s a workshopper? It’s a simple framework displaying a set of challenges to be completed right in your terminal, and has a test runner incorporated within it to test your code solutions.

什么是车间工人? 这是一个简单的框架,显示了要在您的终端中完成的一系列挑战,并且其中集成了一个测试运行程序以测试您的代码解决方案。

These guys then went on to create the initial workshopper modules, such as and , which consisted of beginner level JS and NodeJS problems. They thought, “Well, this is fun. We should have an event focused on these things!”

然后,这些人继续创建初始的Workshopper模块,例如和 ,其中包括初学者级JS和NodeJS问题。 他们认为:“嗯,这很有趣。 我们应该有一个针对这些事情的活动!”

Soon, ideas came pouring in, which became modules in the NodeJS ecosystem (npm). Participants created repositories and set up websites. And in late 2013, the first official NodeSchool event was underway in Silicon Valley.

不久,想法涌入,成为NodeJS生态系统(npm)中的模块。 参与者创建了存储库并建立了网站。 2013年下半年,首届官方NodeSchool活动在硅谷举行。

The community started to grow, and local chapters sprang up all over the world. By May 2016, there were more than 165 worldwide city-based chapters, which have hosted more than 500 events so far!

社区开始发展,世界各地各地都有当地分会。 到2016年5月,全球有超过165个城市分会,迄今已举办了500多个活动!

节点来到加尔各答 (Node Comes to Kolkata)

In July of last year, I hit upon the idea of hosting a NodeSchool event in my city. Tech-wise, Kolkata is a laid back city with few meetups or hackathons to speak of. Most of the cool events are either in Bangalore or Hyderabad. We have an IT Park — known here as Sector V — which was a promised utopia of budding startups and big companies alike. But let’s just say that it hasn’t flourished as much as those of other metropolitan areas in India.

去年7月,我想到了在我的城市举办NodeSchool活动的想法。 在技​​术上,加尔各答是一个悠闲的城市,几乎没有聚会或黑客松。 大多数最酷的活动都在班加罗尔或海得拉巴举行。 我们有一个IT园区-在这里被称为Sector V-这是新兴的初创企业和大公司的承诺的乌托邦。 但是,可以说它没有像印度其他大都市地区那样繁荣。

There are tech companies here, but most are service based. There isn’t much of a product or startup footprint. Undergraduates and graduates in my city miss out on the most important medium for networking and skill learning just because of the current landscape. And thus, they resort to joining service-based IT behemoths, which just treat them as a disposable resource.

这里有科技公司,但大多数都是基于服务的。 产品或启动足迹不多。 仅由于当前的形势,我市的大学生和毕业生错过了最重要的网络和技能学习媒介。 因此,他们诉诸于加入基于服务的IT庞然大物,后者将它们视为一次性 资源。

With only a short time to set everything up, I reached out to a NodeSchool core team member, , and asked him to guide me. I had three priorities for the event:

只需很短的时间就可以完成所有设置,我与NodeSchool核心团队成员 ,并请他指导我。 我有三项优先事项:

  • Create awareness in my city and my college

  • Train college students and help them shape up with new technologies

  • Put our college to the global map


All NodeSchool Chapters are city based. This meant that, technically speaking, I had to host NodeSchool Kolkata. But due to time and space constraints, I had a better idea. Why not setup a smaller college-level chapter instead? After talking it over with Adam, he agreed to my proposal, and hence the was born on August 2015.

所有NodeSchool章节均基于城市。 从技术上讲,这意味着我必须托管NodeSchool Kolkata。 但是由于时间和空间的限制,我有了一个更好的主意。 为什么不设置一个较小的大学级别的章节呢? 与Adam讨论后,他同意了我的建议,因此于2015年8月诞生。

We had our inaugural workshop on August 31st, 2015, with 25 participants. Together, we coded together on mainly beginner NodeSchool modules using JavaScript and Git.

2015年8月31日,我们举办了首届研讨会,有25名参与者。 我们一起使用JavaScript和Git在主要是初学者的NodeSchool模块上一起编码。

As far as new beginnings go, it exceeded my expectations, to say the least! The attendees went home with a little hands-on knowledge, some freebie stickers, and a lot more confidence! was added to the world map, and (principle founder of NodeSchool) !

至少可以说,就新的开始而言,它超出了我的期望! 参加者带着一点动手知识,一些免费赠品贴纸和更多的信心回家了! 被添加到世界地图上, (NodeSchool的主要创始人) !

As the Second Law of Thermodynamics predicts, post workshop, the interest disappeared to a minimum. But that didn’t deter me from my goal. I found a few long-term interested people, and started a little newsletter among them. We kept in touch, and shared important links, resources, and tutorials among ourselves.

正如热力学第二定律所预测的,在研讨会结束后,人们的兴趣消失了。 但这并没有阻止我实现目标。 我找到了一些长期感兴趣的人,并在其中开始了一些时事通讯。 我们保持联系,并在彼此之间共享了重要的链接,资源和教程。

Fast forward to May 2016. NodeSchool International Day was just right around the corner, and planning started barely one week before it! , a final-year student, helped me out this time by publicizing the event, handling back-end tasks, and mentoring. We sent out invitations, cached the workshop software so we could use it offline, configured our website, and enrolled in the International Day Chapter. We were get-set-go for the event! We even got the — a startup founded by our alumnus — to sponsor the event!

快进到2016年5月。NodeSchool国际日就在眼前,而计划仅仅在一周前就开始了! 毕业的学生这次通过宣传活动,处理后端任务和指导帮助了我。 我们发出了邀请,缓存了研讨会软件,以便我们可以脱机使用它,配置我们的网站,并参加国际日这一章。 我们已经准备好参加活动了! 我们甚至得到了由校友创立的赞助!

Nature worked against us this time. Heavy rains throughout the city prevented half the people who had already registered for the event from showing up. Still we went ahead, with the true spirit of Nodeschool International Day, and started the proceedings with the Bengaluru and Osaka teams.

大自然这次对我们不利。 整个城市的大雨阻止了已经报名参加该活动的一半人出现。 我们仍然本着Nodeschool国际日的真正精神继续前进,并与班加罗尔和大阪团队开始了比赛。

Last time we had some hiccups setting everything up, but this time since the workshops were already cached in my system (), and installations were a breeze.

上次我们遇到了麻烦,但这次是因为研讨会已经缓存在我的系统中( ),安装轻而易举。

By lunchtime, everyone had completed the basic javascripting module, and was hungry for more! After lunch, we proceeded with Git, Github, and NodeJS basics with the git-it and learnyounode module. We also had a live chat with , Chapter host, as well as the and Chapters! At the end of the day, we distributed stickers and coasters, and then popped by Bisk Farm for a round of snacks and drinks.

到午餐时间,每个人都完成了基本的javascripting模块,并渴望获得更多! 午餐后,我们使用git-itlearningyounode模块继续学习Git,Github和NodeJS基础 。 我们还与分会主持人 ( 以及和分会进行了现场聊天! 一天结束时,我们分发了贴纸和杯垫,然后由Bisk Farm弹出,准备了一轮小吃和饮料。

I eventually plan to merge our chapter with a bigger NodeSchool Kolkata chapter once we get enough interested people. It takes time to develop interest and awareness in our city, but we should all strive for it nonetheless.

我最终计划在我们获得足够的兴趣之后将我们的章节与更大的NodeSchool加尔各答章节合并。 在我们的城市中发展兴趣和意识需要时间,但是我们都应该为此努力。

According to The Guardian, India will have every month for the next two to three years! That is a huge load for our society to bear at once. Also, our country is facing an acute shortage of skilled engineers, and 80% of the current crop of engineers are considered unemployable by some . Why? Causes range from mediocre engineering colleges, low quality classroom education, less opportunity, and most importantly, less networking.

根据《卫报》的报道,在未来的两到三年内,印度每月将有岁! 这是我们社会立即承受的巨大负担。 另外,我国正面临着技能工程师的严重短缺,一些认为目前80%的工程师处于失业状态。 为什么? 造成这种情况的原因包括:中等水平的工程学院,劣质的课堂教育,更少的机会,最重要的是,更少的网络。

Not all is bad about my city, though. We are experiencing a slow influx of city-based startups, thanks to some cool entrepreneurs, such as , who founded , where we buy cool stickers and coasters for our events. His love for this city dragged him away from Bangalore, and he brought back his experience and immediately put it to use. We need more entrepreneurs like him to build innovative products and in turn help our city inch toward becoming a more technology-friendly place.

不过,并不是所有的事情都对我的城市不利。 多亏了一些很酷的企业家,例如 ,他建立了 ,我们在这里购买了时尚的贴纸和杯垫,这让一些新兴企业如涌入城市。 他对这座城市的热爱使他远离了班加罗尔,他带回了自己的经验并立即加以利用。 我们需要像他这样的更多企业家来开发创新产品,进而帮助我们的城市迈向更加技术友好的地方。

Members of NodeSchool and Free Code Camp communities have something much more important than raw expertise. They have heart, a desire to network, and an eagerness to help others. This drives up the competency level of each and every participant.

NodeSchool和Free Code Camp社区的成员比原始专业知识重要得多。 他们有内心,有建立网络的渴望,以及渴望帮助他人的渴望。 这提高了每个参与者的能力水平。

Collaboration is the key to success. We hope to build a better tech community in our city by holding regular events like Nodeschool, Free Code Camp, and keep pushing our city toward becoming a more informed, skilled and proactive generation.

协作是成功的关键。 我们希望通过定期举办诸如Nodeschool,Free Code Camp之类的活动,在我们的城市中建立更好的技术社区,并继续推动我们的城市成为更加有知识,技能和积极进取的一代。

Join me in this Quest. For the .

和我一起参加这个任务。 为之

Many thanks to for the awesome edits and constant motivation. If you would like to get in touch, contact me on . a bigger Nodeschool Kolkata event.

非常感谢的编辑和不断的动力。 如果您想取得联系,请通过与我联系。 一个更大的Nodeschool加尔各答活动。




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